danes se bomo naučili vprašati po slovensko. Kam greš? Zakaj greš? S kom greš? Kdaj greš?
Najprej si poglejmo vse vprašalnice v slovenščini.
Spodaj si lahko prenseš originalen dokument.
Kdo? Who?
Kaj? What?
Kdaj? When?
Koliko? How much? We use KOLIKO for prices/age etc. but as well to ask What time is it? Koliko je ura?
Zakaj? Why? When you see that an answer starts with KER, the question is ZAKAJ. Ker means because.
Kako? How?
Kje? Where? Kje is used for asking Where are you? Where do you live? Where do you work? so it's for questions, where we are somewhere fixed.
Kam? Where to? Kam is used for asking Where are you going? so for questions when we're going from point A to B.
V tem dokumentu imaš nekaj nalog z vprašanji.